Αφήστε την Ελλάδα ήσυχη — Leave Greece Alone

The destruction of Greece has been underway for many years now. And every elected Greek government has been part of the destruction. First it started off as greed and, as we saw in the last bailout, it was just sheer impotence as the of SYRIZA “Coalition of the Radical Left” (very worthy of quotations) was held hostage and threatened to acquiesce to further heart-palpitating slavery. The government of Alexis Tsipras was turned from saviour of the masses to a little neo-modern even weaker marionette than the previous governments. But truth be told, he had no choice because he says it was either accept the bailout or turn into a third-world country.

The only person to comes out of there with his honour intact was Yanis Varoufakis, who had the Grexit possibility planned by going towards the old overworn drachma currency. Sure, it would be a banana republic currency but, unlike legitimately poor nations, Greece would rebound after a few years of severe poverty.

Now, according to Tsipras’ thinking, we are suffering less by choosing to stay with the Euro and further bailouts. What more needs to be done? In the referendum preceding the bailout, the people voted over 60% to get out of the Euro. These were not stupid people. On the contrary, all I remember in the Greek media was unfounded fake news about how bad Grexit would be for Greece. Even the public broadcaster seemed to be handcuffed. But still, the people voted overwhelmingly for Grexit, with the finance minister (Yanis Varoufakis) being 100% thorough and open about it. A big part of it must have been the Greek elite cringing and the working class finally having a chance to get out of the clutches of said elite.

Nothing happened. Bailout forced on Tsipras. Varoufakis forced to resign. And Greece will be poor for even longer.


Greece has turned into a colony. The culture has turned into a diaspora of the worst kind. Diaspora work when the country that is converting into it is economically strong and stable. You can’t give your hungry masses to a country in financial turmoil. And no one can complain about this without being called anything from a racist to, God forbid, a Nazi. What these idiots making the accusations don’t do is credit the good heart of the Greek people. It is Greece that was forced to take on Syrian refugees when the surrounding countries were closing their borders. It is the Greek people who understand the diversity of the illegal immigrants and still show love and understanding towards them. That’s what being Greek is about. It is not naivete that makes them living people but rather a genetic penchant to help.

So how can you leave Greece alone? Let them be autonomous. Don’t put forced rules on the populous. Let their current well-meaning government get their manhood back. Let them run the country for the betterment of every Greek citizen. Let them keep their promise of restoring dignity to the masses. Let them build their economy as they see fit. Let them settle their internal corruption because, quote frankly, your ways are causing even more corruption.

Let Greece exist. As Greece. Let the people stop suffering, dying, being depressed, waiting in line for cold soup. Let them use their strength of dignity and pride as they have for centuries. Shame on you for being ready to commit genocide to some of the most peaceful and harmless people in the world. Open your frozen hearts and have some compassion. By destroying Greece, you’re destroying yourself. And don’t think you’ll succeed. The Greeks will vote in any party that can help them. Think long and hard of the consequences.

Clinton Mafia Acolytes (CMA)

I’ve been asked many times what I mean when I put #ClintonMafiaAcolytes on some of my social media posts. I personally thought it was self-evident. After all, it is meant to be a literal little catch phrase.

Clinton Mafia is perhaps too broad-ranging a term and therefore is in need of further explanation. “Clinton” starts with Bill Clinton and continues to Hillary and beyond. “Beyond” in this case refers to post-Hillary — a perhaps postmodern brainwashing storm. But let’s digress for now. The last elite member of the clan was Barack Obama. He governed with the blessing of Clinton and was allowed to be president for 8 years as long as he opened the road for the morally inept and shortsighted Hillary to serve her 8 years. Obama wasn’t perfect, but he was undeniably a genius next to Hillary. But even the biggest of geniuses couldn’t hold up the facade that hid the sheer hypocrisy of Hillary. She was a walking catch phrase. More on that later.

Meanwhile, Obama was not just a mere member of the mob. He was given a special position within it as long as he followed certain rules and criteria. I would think that he would have been skewered like Bernie Sanders had he held on to his morals and spoken out about them.

FACT: Obama is no fucking Bernie Sanders, ladies. Bernie is a man of character while Obama — I’ll take the hate mail later — was akin to an Uncle Tom. At a time when political correctness served the well-established, he continued building more walls against people who needed his help. He went against the wishes of his voter base. At the end of his 8-year reign, people were confused as to where they stood and to whether they were better off. He was made into a hero for trying to pass Obamacare, but it was a failure — mainly because there was really no chance of it working. It could have been better structured. But it wasn’t, because they need to use it as a hook to vote Hillary in. He let all the people who voted for him down.

I write this article today, in a hot cafe in Montreal, because I was attacked by a bunch of people who believe all of the above is bullshit. They even answered my posts with #feelthebern. I forward people articles and they don’t believe them because they come from a biased source. Well, sadly, CNN will never criticize the CMA because they are part of it. Long gone are the days of fair reporting because big conglomerates are replacing the ruling class. The ruling class being in charge was bad enough, but now it is the politically correct big corporations that control advertising dollars. The ones who are not backed by big Corp are public entities with almost no power. These entities, poor and desperate for funding, have to be careful how they tread the political landscape.

The result of the above general synopsis is a national, even a global, political correctness forced upon citizens that makes some Stalinist regimes look tame. This is politically taboo to mention, but it is a fact. And the more we deny or, worse, are afraid to mention it, the deeper we go into the quicksand. Then comes the making of a system without free thought. Because free speech is being suppressed, we finally forget how to think freely.



support for the concerns of ordinary people


the quality of appealing to or being aimed at ordinary people.

Logically, the populist governments come to power, as they have in the USA. Populism has been defined very negatively. In essence, it is a “movement” that the people have veered towards in fear of the system they’ve been coerced and manipulated under. See definition above.

So, what is a Clinton Mafia Acolyte? It is akin to a headless chicken that runs around spewing false epithets because it is all it knows. It is void of life, moribund. It serves the purpose of a parrot. It pulls people apart. This person, this acolyte, has a copy of the “Clinton bible” pasted in their brain. They have lost the ability to think objectively and are, like their esteemed Hillary, walking catch phrases.

I am a democratist— one who believes in truth and fairness and equality — that has taken it upon myself to report the truth a I objectively see it. I don’t choose sides. I report facts. Sometimes, I give opinions because they don’t need to be supported by articles. I cannot support with an article the fact that Donald Trump detaining the queen is not a big deal. I cannot support with an article that Trump is speaking for most of the people — can you support otherwise? So, acolytes, spare me your holier-than-thou attitudes and stop seeing the non-acolytes (I’d say most Democrats and all Republicans) as lower than you. Accept defeat. Accept that the future of your neoliberal wantonness is done. You have failed. Open yourself to new ideas.

To the majority, let’s popularize this: #ClintonMafiaAcolytes.

Morrissey Misunderstood Again— Now by One of his Disciples

I bury the living

When I was a young lad and heard The Smiths for the first time, I felt a sudden solace in my soul. The words, written almost exclusively by Stephen Patrick Morrissey, were genius to me as they spoke to my situation at the time. When The Smiths broke up, I was glad that Morrissey decided to stick to why his fans wanted. Through the decades, he has always been, and still remains, a voice for the voiceless.

Can we see what is really being said here?

Compare the top with the original interview. Obviously, their interpretation is fake news.

This is the original interview.

I don’t write these things lightly. In fact, Morrissey is very much like the disturbed yet upfront psychotherapist who reassures you he is there even in the biggest times of turmoil. And there are songs for every occasion. Listen to how Mancunians are feeling from a concert clip at the Hollywood Bowl and anti-war songs about ignorance from Dusseldorf.

Coincidentally, or perhaps just as a matter of logical progression, my politics and mores have been akin to Morrissey’s. I would get a political or societal thought, and Morrissey would echo it in his latest song, album, or medium scrum.

Like so many others these days, people interpret Morrissey’s words, in song or on media, at face value. The politically correct world we live in knitpicks every word he utters because, as we have always known, he is anti-establishment. A man shall not be muted if he truly believes something and echoes it. This is not hate speech. These are thoughts from a person’s mind misconstrued my media hounds ready to ruin his record sales and his whole reputation. Fake news is winning because people’s attention spans are too short and they don’t bother finding alternative voices and thinking for themselves.

I wish you lonely

Morrissey stands for truth. He is not racist, misogynistic, nor nationalistic. He supports certain causes that are benign as to the harm they can do. And you need not agree with everything he says. What bewildered me is that most of his views are shared by the public. Brexit was voted on. These were not nazis who voted for change.

Morrissey has made it clear that he is not right wing nor any other kind of wing simply because left wing and right wing no longer exist. And this is undeniable. Neoliberalism and its politically correct hypocrisy have convoluted our minds and are successful in brainwashing the masses.

The Smiths were voted as the most influential British band of all time. They were ahead of the Beatles, who were at number two. And Morrissey was, at least lyricwise, the backbone of the band. So here we are, demonizing someone who has said not done anything wrong.

Shame on us.



(C) Ted Kouretas 2018

Μην πιάνεις την σημαία

Με λερωμένα χέρια και βρωμερή ψυχή

Θα σε θυσιασω


Δαίμονες της ιστορίας


Έστω και τώρα


Πάντα περπατούμε

Με το κεφάλι ψηλά

Contrived Fear and Enslavement

Words are the strongest things that exist. They give us joy and can drive us crazy. In a world rife with fake news, reality and truth can barely be distinguished. People are expected to act a certain or risk being shunned. I will speak of the abuse of words and its consequences.

We’ve all become aware of the term “fake news”. What we’re questioning is the meaning of the term. Fake news has a broad meaning which depends on the leanings and beliefs of the user. The term is usually used in the political realm.

Donald Trump got credited for coining the term during his election campaign when calling unsubstantiated claims and allegations against him as fake news. This brought about the careful and more informed scrutiny of the media by the right. It started becoming apparent that the left, as they had accused the right of continuously doing, had an agenda for Hillary Clinton to win the election.

When this agenda became abundantly clear, the Democrats went a step further to in discrediting Trump by making lewd sexual endeavours pop out every other day. When others pointed out the misgivings of Bill Clinton, the left-wing media responded with a “he’s not running for president and that was decades ago”. The words that couldn’t get through were that Bill Clinton committed proven crimes while in office. Also, Hillary was covering up her husband’s crimes by threatening or bribing or blackmailing his accusers and victims. This was continuously overlooked. It was politically incorrect to attack the Clinton machine.

It costs only a cable subscription to get bombarded and eventually driven into an intellectual void. This is done mainly through good old gaslighting that comes through, that’s right…. words. Gaslighting is classically known as a way someone makes you believe you are seeing something other than what is apparently and solidly there. Eventually, this can lead to weakness and even insanity. In short, it creates slavery.

That’s your brain turning to mush. Media manipulation is stronger than any drug because it cannot be undone. The information stays there and it affects you psychologically.

Political correctness is the intimidation factor here. You are taught what is acceptable. You are afraid to go astray because, like it or not, you will be shunned. You can lose your friends, your job, even your family. You are eventually to become a bearer of fake news or the victim of it.

Let’s go back to Donald Trump. For pointing out the obvious and giving it a term, he brought about all kinds of consequential retorts. He was a philanderer, a rapist. The politically correct machine had the power and blessing of most of the world because they have all been brainwashed or in charge of the brainwashing brought about by the media. The media is responsible for metting out the truth. Instead, they mete out what is assigned to them by special interest groups that pay their salaries. Donald Trump responded in kind and was quickly reprimanded for it. More labels. More negative -isms. As for Hillary, she was an angel, the purveyor of truth, the victim. The networks speaking up against her were seen as merely fringe opportunists. The intellectuals supporting Trump’s campaign were misled or profiteers.

Trump won the election because he travelled and spoke to the people. He got little airtime. He got almost completely negative mainstream press. But the people were hurting. Alas, there was someone speaking their language. The tone deaf that came out of the closet, even if for one Trump speech or rally, often understood the message. Trump was able to tackle taboo issues. The leftists cringed. Most Republicans cringed, albeit privately.

People need to believe. Blind faith only goes so far. Ergo, Donald Trump wins the election. It was not at all a surprise to me, seeing in how he had the wherewithal to oppose the politically correct media, pundits, and international community.

Let’s skew away from Trump now and just feel ashamed for looking at the skinny model above and finding her attractive. Fake news will label her as anorexic. At the same time, fake news will call out anything remotely associated with fat-shaming. Let me be clear that neither side of the coin is right. People are people. Instead of preaching equality, the media chooses who we need to shun. In this case, the more healthy model above. She is not anorexic. We all know what anorexics look like. The media won’t take the blame when our politically correct acceptance of fat and obesity leads to premature death. But people’s lives don’t matter. What matters is a loss of ethics at any cost.

This is an emo girl. She is a disenfranchised millenial. She is the consequence of the anomie and loneliness caused by fake news. Emo stands for “emotional”. Young people like this girl listen to melodic punk with emotional lyrics and undertones. They are often admittedly depressed youth. There is no ambition outside of their closely-knit community. Unlike previous generations of rebel youth, these young people will find it hard to get out of this emotional circle they’re in. They will be stigmatized and gaslighted by words. Fake words. Fake sentences. Fake stories. Fke news. They are inequipped to deal with or separate the fodder that acts as reality from actual reality.

If someone reads this sign and kills themselves, should the bitch in the picture be jailed? Is this sign appropriate? How can this sign be appropriate when a sign reading “MEN ARE PEOPLE TOO” would be found unacceptable? Have I lost your fondness for me yet? Have I hurt your politically correct feelings? Have you just decided to not think and blame? Or have you decided to take a step back and think?

So how does contrived misinformation enslave us? It keeps us in a state of uncertainty, which produces a fear of reacting with our minds. It makes us react and think like others want us to.

Yes, you are a slave.